

2010年1月17日至22日,国际标准组织和国际电工协会的第一联合标准工作委员会第六分委员会ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6(该委员会负责通讯网络标准的制订工作)在西班牙巴塞罗那召开工作组及全体会议。我工作组参与了未来网络方面的会议议程,就我方关注的新一代未来网络的新型命名和寻址机制的标准化工作继续做出了贡献,并且得到会议的赞许,也对下一步工作提出了更为明确的目标(鼓励中国提交新工作项目提案)。




6N 14219


Title:Action Plan to vitalize Future Network activities in SC 6
Source:SC 6/WG 7

Since the initiation of the project in 2007, the Future Network project in SC 6/WG 7 has made steady progresses. However, in order to motivate more active participation and speed up the process, WG 7 plans to take the following measures:

  1. improve coordination of WG7 experts to facilitate more communication and cooperation on FN interests and activities
  2. work out a strategic plan for future network standardization so that future activities will have clearer directions and generate more interests
  3. strengthen research activities to better prepare for expansion of projects and generate more active involvement
  4. consider some measures for more outside awareness and recognition
  5. take steps to speed up the process

Specifically, the following actions should be taken after the Barcelona meeting:

  1. WG 7 Convener will set up an email mailing list for FN activity coordination within two weeks after the conclusion of Barcelona meeting. The list is managed by WG 7 convener. Membership is open to those experts who are in active involvement of SC 6 FN activities.
  2. More email mailing lists are to be established according to the needs. Coordinators of FN of each Study Item can generate their own mailing lists.
  3. WG 7 Convener will set up an FN-friends mailing list, which is established to allow the WG 7 to distribute FN news as well as to exchange information to people who are interested in our activities. This mailing list is open to public.
  4. Encourage WG 7 experts to actively participate in email discussions so that there are more inner synergies within the FN group.
  5. Consider the use of e-meeting to speed up the development process.
  6. A logo competition for the promotion of SC 6 FN project.
  7. In addition to the existing TR-FNPSR project, W G7 may consider starting a second NP ballot on Future Network Naming and Addressing Schemes. China NB is encouraged to prepare a NP proposal on FNNAS Design principles and Technical Requirements and submit it to SC 6 for consideration as soon as possible.
  8. Identify study topics and assign coordinators to lead the research.

Study topics and coordinators for further progression:

  1. Naming and Addressing Schemes (Jianping Xie, Kingston Zhang, Hyun-Kook Kahng)
  2. Service Composition (Jesus Alcober, Shin-Gak Kang)
  3. Switching (John Grant)
  4. Future Network Security (Hao Wang)
  5. Media Transport (J. Iglesias)

The coordinators are encouraged to submit progress reports to the coordination mailing list and the final report to the next WG 7 meeting in London, end of September 2010.

